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Itʼs not about being perfect. Itʼs claiming your worth.
Itʼs setting higher expectations. Itʼs creating space for yourself.
Itʼs you, your home, your WellNest.

The WellNest is about progress, Not perfection…

Health doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does require we take a holistic look at all aspects of our life.

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Integrative Health Coach

My work is based on five core concepts which form the pathway towards overall health and healing:

  1. Primary Food – this concept focuses on the belief that being healthy is not just about the food on your plate.  Primary ‘food’ is the food that nourishes you off the plate.  It includes elements such as a meaningful spiritual practice, a fulfilling career, a sense of community, regular and enjoyable physical activity, and meaningful relationships that feed your soul.  Primary food can fuel you, but when it’s out of balance, we end up using secondary food (the food we eat) to fill the space of what’s missing or to give us comfort in place of something else we really need. The more Primary Food we have, the less we rely on secondary food to keep us full.  We often search for comfort in the food we eat when all we really want is a hug or someone to talk to.  Together we will explore your primary food and its role in your overall health.  Health doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does require we take a holistic look at all aspects of our life.

  2. Bio-individuality - People are hypnotized by theories. Nutrition information is often taken from the media, newspapers, magazines, the Internet, or books, and when a specific diet doesn’t work for one person, it brings on a sense of failure. But in fact, there is no one right diet that works for everyone and one person’s food is another’s poison. If we can approach our health with a beginner’s mind, which involves letting go of expectations and preconceived notions, then we can explore what works best for you.

  3. Crowding out – By adding healthier foods into your diet, you will gently crowd out the ones that no longer serve you.  The more healthy foods you add to your existing diet, the less room you’ll have for junk, and the more sensitive your palette will become to ultimately appreciate a greater variety of healthy ingredients. You’ll literally crowd out the unhealthy foods until you reach a balanced diet that is sustainable and makes you feel great – even if that still includes an occasional guilt-free indulgence!  

  4. Deconstructing cravings – The body doesn’t usually make mistakes – it is a complex biocomputer. Cravings are your body’s way of sending you messages; by listening to your body’s cravings and learning to understand what they mean, we can use them as a guide towards achieving balance.  Understanding cravings can also involve finding healthy ways to satisfy those cravings.

  5. Universalities – despite being very individualized beings, there is a short simple list of recommendations that will indefinitely serve all of us. This includes eating less processed foods, reducing the main foods that cause sensitivities, eating more whole foods, drinking water, and getting adequate sleep.


Food changes everything and we can change our lives by changing our eating habits.  There is a direct correlation between the food we eat and how we feel – food has the power to heal or to harm.

When we take the time to make something delicious we honor ourselves and the ones we love.  Cooking = self-care & self-love.

Great meals start with great ingredients – whole foods that come straight from the earth. Simple cooking techniques can make meals come to life, nourish your body, and feed your soul.  By using seasonal ingredients, we will bring out food’s true flavor.  I’m here to provide healthy recipes and easy menus that fit your lifestyle and support your needs.

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. - Hippocrates 


Culinary School




With a Personal Trainer certification through The National Academy of Sports Medicine, I not only reinforce the importance of a healthy diet for my clients, I also put a large emphasis on living an active lifestyle.

There’s no goal to big or small that we can’t take on together!